only use knife

Call of Duty’s very own velociraptor.

My Cat is GReY AReA (or Sam Fisher)

Posted by only use knife on September 10, 2009

So this was lul…  I had to go pick up the dogs from the boarding place because my parents had gone out of town and they just decided to board them.   But anyways, I get home and the dogs are all excited so I go let them in the house.  I had my cat GReY over at my parent’s house to visit and he was bein’ all chill, camping in grey areas.

Campsniping in GReY AReAs

Campsniping in GReY AReAs

All the other kittehs were just chillin’ when the dogs burst in like a SWAT team on a drug dealer’s home.  (sweet analogy amirite?) but yeah fricken Phoenix (aka GReY AReA) was on the basement stairs when they burst in.  He freaked out, jumped straight up in the air and hit his head on the stair handrail and then fell about 5 or 6 feet to the ground.  Then apparently he ran away into the darkness.  I went down there to look for him and I was like wtf where is he?   I got over to the washing machine and heard a growl.  I was like lolwtf?  It was coming from above.  I looked up above me and there was Phoenix looking down at me, all pissed off and scared.

My cat is cooler than your cat.

My cat is cooler than your cat.

I laughed outragously.  It was the greatest thing I’ve seen all day.  My cat could have Sam Fishered me if he wanted to.  I felt like such a noob seeing as I Sam Fisher people all the time on Call of Duty.  I was totally not expecting him to be up there.  But yeah it basically confirms my cat is GReY AReA/Sam Fisher.  When the @#%^ hit the fan, he went to one of the greyest locations in the house and camped.  It was sick.

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